Dr Vana Avgerinou
PhD, MSc, AMBDA, PGDip Dyslexia, GMBPsS
Dyslexia/Dyscalculia Assessor
I am a fully qualified, British Dyslexia Association (BDA) approved Specialist Teacher/Assessor with experience working in primary and secondary settings, both in the state and independent sectors, as well as adult clients.
My academic background is in Psychology of Education and English. I have published academic work in the field of maths learning difficulties and teaching.
I am an Associate Member of the British Dyslexia Association (AMBDA) and hold a PGDip Dyslexia and a SpLD Assessment Practising Certificate (APC).
I offer a range of services to support you and your child with reading and spelling, from early screening and advice to full diagnostic assessments for Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and other Specific Learning Difficulties.
Professional Affiliations:
British Psychological Society (GMBPsS)
British Dyslexia Association (AMBDA Dyslexia & AMBDA Dyscalculia)
Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific learning difficulties (PATOSS)
I am regulated by the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC), hold professional insurance and an enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) certificate.

How common are learning disabilities?
out of
people have a learning disability
out of
have dyslexia
out of
have dyscalculia
out of
dyslexics have some degree of difficulty with maths